
【翻译】ubuntu安装N卡346.35驱动教程 时间:2016-07-22   作者:易度网络  来源:原创  栏目:行业知识


http://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2015/01/install-nvidia-346-35-ubuntu-1404/ 纯手工翻译,技术不佳,有翻译不到的地方请各位斧正。 
How to Install NVIDIA 346.35 in Ubuntu





NVIDIA 346.35, the first stable release of the 346.xx series driver, has been released with new features, improvements, and numerous bug fixes.


Instead of NVIDIA 340.xx series, the new driver becomes the Latest Long Lived Branch version of NVIDIA Linux drivers.

它替换NVIDIA 340.xx系列成为了N卡linux驱动里存在时间最长的分支版本。

Before the xorg-edgers PPA updates for this driver, you can download & install the official NVIDIA package by following below steps:

xorg-edgers PPA升级此驱动之前,你可以按照以下步骤下载安装NVIDIA离线包:

1. Select download the official installer from links below:


32-bit Linux | 64-bit Linux | 32-bit ARM Linux

32-bit or 64-bit32位还是64位?

Check your OS type by going to top-right corner shutdown menu (gear button) and clicking ‘About This Computer’


2. To be able to install the new driver, you have to remove the previous driver by running below command in a terminal window (Open terminal from the Dash or by pressing Ctrl+Alt+T on keyboard):


sudo apt-get remove nvidia* && sudo apt-get autoremove

3. You should also blacklist the open source nouveau driver by running below command to edit the config file:


gksudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-nouveau.conf

Add below lines to the end and click save.


blacklist nouveau
blacklist lbm-nouveau
options nouveau modeset=0
alias nouveau off
alias lbm-nouveau off

4. You can also disable the Kernel Nouveau by running below commands one by one:


echo options nouveau modeset=0 | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/nouveau-kms.conf
sudo update-initramfs -u

5. Finally reboot your computer and when you’re at the login prompt press Ctrl+Alt+F1(or F2 ~ F6) to switch to command console. Login with your username and password.


6. When you’re at the black & white text console, the graphics session is still there and you can switch back by pressing Ctrl+Alt+F7. You have to kill the graphics session by running below command:


sudo stop lightdm


Replace lightdm with gdmmdm, or kdm for GNOME, Linux Mint, or KUbuntu.

GNOME Linux Mint 或者 KUbuntu下,你需要用gdm、mdm或者kdm来替换lightdm

7. At last give permission to the downloaded package and run it:


cd ~/Downloads && chmod +x NVIDIA-Linux-*-346.35.run && sudo sh NVIDIA-Linux-*-346.35.run


Follow the on screen prompts and when everything’s done reboot your computer. In next boot after log in, run sudo nvidia-xconfig to save your new nvidia configuration.

根据屏幕提示进行,当所有的都完成后重启你的电脑。在下一次启动登陆后,运行sudo nvidia-xconfig来保存你的新n卡设置。

(Optional) To remove the driver, re-do step 5 & 6 and run:


cd ~/Downloads && sudo sh NVIDIA-Linux-*-346.35.run --uninstall


Also undo the step 3 & 4 by removing the


cd /etc/modprobe.d&& sudo rm blacklist-nouveau.conf nouveau-kms.conf && sudo update-initramfs -u


Good luck!祝你好运!